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Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer ~ Anonymous

Travelling is an enriching experience- for the body & mind. This is what my Deuta (my father) used to tell us when we were kids. As a young man, he travelled whenever & wherever he could, with his limited available resources. Even today, at 64, he makes plans to visit a new place at least once a year – far or near does not matter for him. I guess I got the travel bug from him! (and I don’t mind it at all) 🙂

It doesn’t take much to inspire me to travel, or at least plan to travel, to a particular place – a conversation over a cup of tea/coffee, a photograph, a book, a movie, travel magazines as well as TV channels, in-flight magazines, a friend, an acquaintance – anything can make me plan to pack my bags & hit the road. 🙂 As a result, my list of must-be-visited places is getting longer, just like my to-be-read book list. Sigh!

Every hundred feet the world changes” ~Roberto Bolaño

Over the years, I have realised that what I like & love about travelling is the thrill of experiencing something new. It opens up doors to the different worlds that exist beyond my own little world. In fact, this vastness is what humbles me. Then there are the other aspects like the happiness on arrival, the food and the fun, a smile on a local kid’s face as I pass by their roads, the rides in car/buses/trains through the various neighbourhoods and many more things make me want to travel, again and again. With every journey I take, I realise that more than the destination/location the experience is what matters the most and what stays with us forever.

A ship in harbour is safe, but that’s not why ships are built ~Anon

After starting this blog, I have tried to document my travel to different places, near and far, with photos and words, with much more yet to be written and posted. This page is a kind of my online travel diary. I hope someone out there will like to read my experiences as much as I loved writing them down and benefit from them too. 🙂



  1. Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary & Dekachang Resort, Assam (Weekend Getaway)
  2. Nameri, Assam (In the Wilds of Nameri)
  3. Goa (Go Goa!)


  1. Naamphakey, Naharkatia, Assam (Serenity at Naamphakey)
  2. Manas National Park & Musa Jungle Resort, Assam  (A Trip to the Wilds – Part I and Part II)
  3. Cherrapunjee & Sa-i-Mika, Resort, Meghalaya (Amidst the Hills and the Clouds)
  4. Agartala, Tripura (Visiting Agartala…)
  5. Mumbai (Mumbai!)
  6. Boat House at Umiam lake, Shillong, Meghalaya (The World is Quiet Here!)


  1. Pondicherry Diaries – Part I (Entry to Pondy)
  2. Balaji Mandir, Guwahati (A visit to Balaji Mandir)
  3. Shillong, Meghalaya (Not all those who wander are lost…)


  1. Sonapur, Guwahati Assam (Treasured Wheels)
  2. Leh & Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir (Chang La)
  3. Mawphanlur, Meghalaya (What a wonderful world! & Heaven is Here)


  1. Assam Buddha Vihar, Amingaon, Kamrup, Assam (Calm Amidst Chaos)
  3. Chameli Memsaab Bungalow, Cinnamara, Jorhat, Assam (“Old Places Have Soul“)

And many more to come…….


  1. Glad to stumble upon your blog. I would love to read about Assam from a native’s perspective. Planning to visit North East at the earliest opportunity 🙂

Would love to hear your thoughts.........