Winter rants


Time has a way of moving….. quickly and catching you unaware of it. Right now, in my part of the world it is not exactly autumn any more yet not quite winter too. Once darkness falls, there is a slight chill in the air. The dawns are misty with little bit of fog too. In the day time, the skies are clear blue with little tufts of fluffy white clouds strewn all over it.

With the advent of winter, nature seems to be drawing down the curtains to prepare to gift us a re-painted landscape with blossoming trees & flowers in the coming spring. As P. B. Shelley says – “if winter comes, can spring be far behind?’

For me, winter means…

–         The socks & the boots/sneakers

–         My favourite oversized sweater I love to snuggle in

–         Fluffy blankets surrounding me as I read a page or two

–         A cup of frothing coffee

–         Long cold quiet nights

–         Smiles that Christmas brings along

–         Golden brown leaves (some freshly fallen while some withered) strewn on the ground

–         The crisp air with some mist

–         Huddling around a fire warming up to the heat and some good ol’ memories too

–         Endless freshly harvested & empty field stretching into the horizon

–         And of course, my blocked nose 😛

For me, it is also the time of the year to reflect & ponder on the year gone by. To think about the things we had done and could have done. It is the time to prepare ourselves to rise fairer & stronger…..with renewed hope & aspirations…..for a fresh start or a new beginning.

What are your thoughts about winter?


My monsoon musings here –


  1. We don’t have winter here in Kerala, though the early morns does get a trifle chilly. But the image of hot cups of coffee and snuggling down in the blankets on cold mornings is so comforting 🙂

    1. Oh is it? You can think of coming down one day to enjoy the winters in our part of the country. 🙂
      The chill in the air out here right now is perfect. After a few days however, it becomes unbearable and gets in the way of my regular chores. All i want is to be tucked in my bed under that fluffy blanket 🙂

  2. Such lovely, cozy thoughts. I look forward to winter as a time to wear my favorite sweaters and vests. I always look forward to the first snow (we’ve already had it) and cooler temperatures. I know as much as I love winter, I will be ready for spring come March. It’s always that way. I was so excited to see the leaves turning color, pumpkins on porches, and cool weather recipes, but the leaves have all gone and the pumpkins have withered. I am ready for winter and still enjoying cool weather recipes.

  3. Sitting in the sun-soaked verandah on a lazy afternoon with a good book in hand and some oranges to munch…..thats my picture of winter 🙂 loved reading your winter thoughts girl 😀

  4. loved the way u played with words.. next to monsoons, i love winter..mostly because i love wearing woollens :)this winter will miss seeing your clown nose..hahaha!

Would love to hear your thoughts.........