lipsy-thisweekinbooksI am back with THIS WEEK IN BOOKS after a really longggggg time! Hosted by Lipsy (from LIPSYY LOST &  FOUND), this meme is a weekly roundup about our books. Thanks for hosting Lipsy! 🙂

I am also linking this post to WWW Wednesdays, now hosted by Sam of TAKING ON A WORLD OF WORDS.

So, here are my books this week – 

Currently reading 

I am currently reading The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Here is the cover & blurb of the book (both taken from Goodreads) –

great gatsby‘I believe that on the first night I went to Gatsby’s house I was one of the few guests who had actually been invited. People were not invited – they went there.’
After the war, the mysterious Jay Gatsby, a self-made millionaire pursues wealth, riches and the lady he lost to another man with stoic determination. When Gatsby finally does reunite with Daisy Buchanan, tragic events are set in motion. Told through the eyes of his detached and omnipresent neighbour and friend, Nick Carraway, Fitzgerald’s succinct and powerful prose hints at the destruction and tragedy that awaits.

Finished reading 

I recently finished reading Mango Chutney edited by Harsh Snehanshu. It is an anthology of short fiction and I enjoyed reading it .Here is the cover & blurb of the book (taken from Goodreads)

mangoIn the sleepy rural town of Bikramganj, a halwai named Lachhuman receives a letter from an unseen Lakshmi. A thousand kilometers away in Delhi, a woman waits an eternity for her birth certificate. In the sweltering heat of Chennai, a girl finds solace in her grandfather’s shirt. The stakes are high on the Eurorail on its way to Budapest where two Austrians try to trick an Indian woman at a card game. Back home in Vizag, an egg is being poached to perfection.
Mango Chutney, true to its name, is a potpourri of quality short-fiction by some of India’s finest writers. Compiled and edited by bestselling author, Harsh Snehanshu, these stories, with just the right amounts of sugar and tang, shall provoke, tickle and above all, linger in your mind. 

Reading next

For my next read, I have a book which I am looking forward to read – Princess by Jean Sasson. Here is the cover & blurb of the book (taken from Goodreads) –

princessThink of Saudi Arabia and what do you see? Terrorists spreading fear? Religious zealots? A corrupt government and a fabulously wealthy royal family living lives of unbelievably luxury?
Jean Sasson captures the flavour and reality of life in a country of extremes and contradictions. Princess ‘Sultana’, a real Saudi princess closely related to the King, lives those contradictions, with priceless jewels, many servants, unlimited funds at her disposal, but no freedom. A prisoner in a gilded cage with no vote, no control, no value, but as a mother of sons, she is totally at the mercy if the men in her life… her father, her brother, her husband.
For the first time, a royal Saudi woman opens the door to give readers an unvarnished look inside a closed society. ‘Sultana’ lifts the veil on the shocking world of forced marriages, sex slavery, honour killings and other outrages against women, both royal and common.
Princess is a testimony to a woman of indomitable spirit and great courage. By speaking out, ‘Sultana’ risks the wrath of the Saudi establishment and for this reason, she has told her story to Jean Sasson. This is a real-life story you will never forget.

So, this is what I have been up to in my bookish world this week. Do share about your reading this week in the comments section below. 🙂


  1. I was forced to read The Great Gatsby for university. I loathed it. It took me days to finish it and I barely remember it now. I never want to remember it anyway xD
    Princess sounds very interesting!
    Thanks for visiting my blog 🙂 have a good reading week!

    1. do give it a shot and if you want any suggestions on any books by Indian authors highlighting the essence of our country, I am here to help you. Hope you have a great reading week ahead! 🙂

  2. I hope you’re loving Gatsby! It’s a book I really want to re-read because I enjoyed it in school and have seen the movie half a dozen times. The 20s are my favorite era in US history and Gatsby defines the era so well. Happy reading!

  3. You have an interesting taste in picking books. I haven’t read any of these though I have been eyeing Mango Chutney for sometime. Princess sounds hard hitting that I am keeping in my to-read list 🙂
    Looking forward to more of your week in books posts because book recommendations are one thing I love taking from blogs I love reading ❤

    1. thanks ME! 🙂
      I believe that variety is the spice of life and hence this mix taste in books. 🙂 You can check the tab called MY LIL’ BOOK CORNER in my blog, it has a list of books I have read over the years. 🙂

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