Working to change the world

working to change the world

Novemberschild (from have been very kind to nominate D&C for the new blogging award: The Working to Change the World Award. Thanks a lot dear! 😀

This award was created by The Idealistic Rebel to recognize those bloggers at WordPress who are working to make a difference in the world. Recipients of this Award work hard and sincerely to make the world a better place, using their compassion, love and understanding, promoting open minds, free communication of ideas and above all, peace.

Wow! And I must say I am honoured & humbled to have been nominated for this award. As with every other award, there are a set of rules & here they are –
1. Post the award on your blog
2. Link back to the person you nominated you
3. List one thing — however small — that you think would make the world better if everyone did it.
4. Nominate bloggers whom you feel help to Change the World — there’s no minimum or maximum, just a list of those you feel deserve.

Rule 1: Done

Rule 2: Done

Rule 3: The one thing which I feel can make the world a better place to live in is very simple & very do-able.
Someone had said, “smile is a curve that makes everything straight!”. And I am a believer of the goodness of smiling. Technology has made our lives easier & comfortable too, giving us all the more reasons to smile many a times more. But it seems as if the people are getting too ‘stingy’ (is this the suitable word?) with the smiles they carve out for the people around them – family, friends & strangers. And this is what I don’t understand. Maybe we are way too busy with our virtual lives in the innumerable social networking platforms & forget to stop & observe the people, things around us that makes us smile. I don’t know.

As an individual, I believe that smiles pass warmth from the giver to the receiver. A sincere smile that originates from the heart has the ability to touch someone’s heart & can make someone happy & feel respected too. A smile is like the gentle breeze of spring or the warm sunshine of winter that fills us with happiness & peace.

Often I come across customer service executives who are grumpy & give me vibes of negativity. I agree that they do nothing wrong in their job, but then a smile on their face as they do it will make me reciprocate & this simple gesture will fill both of us with a positive & warm feeling. Same is the case with the kirana storekeeper, the autowallas, my fellow passengers as I commute in public transport from home to office to home, my colleagues & clients – in fact all the people around me. Who knows maybe one of us needs a smile on that day? Am I asking for too much? I don’t know.

Whatever it is, I feel & believe that an unexpected smile can uplift anybody’s spirits, easing us out in spite of the stressful times we may be facing. A smile may not solve our problems all of a sudden but it definitely has the ability to soften our approach & help us in battling them.

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

So people, smile more to the people around you & make our world a happier place. It costs nothing but enriches our lives many a times more. 🙂

(I think I wrote almost a post on my one thing! 😛 )

Rule 4: My nominations for this award are:
i. Lime ‘n’ Lemony

ii. Nishita’s Rants & Raves

iii. The Glass Bangle

iv. Peak Perspective

v. Subh Dasgupta’s Blog

vi. Inspiring Evolution

vii. Susurrus of my soul

viii. Shail’s Nest


x. Book Chat

xi. Just Joyfulness

To all the nominees –If you don’t do awards or have already received this one, kindly accept it as my appreciation for your wonderful blog. But then, if you want to, you can acknowledge the award & share that one thing which you feel can make the world better. That will be fun! :)

Congratulations to everyone & keep spreading the goodness! 🙂

Related link:


  1. Congrts dear for another nomination..
    I strongly agree with you that a smile makes a lot of makes the day..such little gestures though cost nothing yet have became the most priced things..So lets SPREAD the SMILE..

  2. Your perspective on life is so endearing, Madhusmita. And one that resonates with me to the core. Your idea is sage and your words are always thoughtful and healing. Congratulations on being recognized for something so timely and important.
    And again, thank you for introducing me to a slew of other bloggers worthy of reading. Cheers to you!

  3. Congratulations!! And thank you again 🙂 I love your answer, so true. Especially the stingy part. I agree… I think people get so consumed in the virtual world they forget how to interact with real people. Not to mention how their actions (or lack-of) affects others. Sometimes we just need to look away from the computer or put the phone down and smile, even if no one is there 🙂

  4. Congtatulations Madhusmita! You are most deserving of this award, as you definitely spread cheer. I know I always feel the bliss after reading your blog.
    Thank you for nominating me. I’m sorry I haven’t responded before this – I am way behind in my email, following blogs, and just about anything to do with computer. This past week has had me running in circles.
    I really appreciate the recognition you have bestowed upon me. We are alike in that we both believe in smiles.
    Take care. I hope you are having a wonderful week.
    With love,

    1. Thanks a lot Michelle, for the kind words! 🙂 And I am happy to hear that my blog makes you happy 🙂
      As for the nomination, take your time to acknowledge it, even I am quite lagging behing in this 😉

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