Some love!


The 3 beautiful ladies – Michelle (from Book Chat), Stephanie (from S.J. THOMAS’S BOOK BLURBS) & Cleopatra (from Cleopatra Love Books) were kind enough to nominate me for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. Thank you ladies! 🙂

Love & appreciation of any kind (likes, comments, awards, etc.) always delights me and my love for blogging grows stronger with each one of them. They serve as the encouragement to me to carry on. This award did it too. You made my day(s) ladies! 🙂

Stephanie lives in NY with her husband and her one big furry family of two dogs and five cats (isn’t that simply Wow!)? She decided to be a writer at the age of 14. She loves reading thriller books. And like me she prefers “real books” over e-readers (yay!). Check out her blog here.

Michelle is a lovely lady & she herself acknowledges that she is a voracious reader. Also, she is an awesome Grandma, who adores her 2 grandchildren. She has varied interests in books and does some very short & crisp reviews, which I love. Check out her blog here.

Cleopatra has been an avid reader since she was a child. She started blogging to put down her thoughts & recommendations on books she read & enjoyed. In her words, she does this because , “I want others to have that magical feeling when they find a book they will love as I know how much other people’s reviews help me to find great books to enjoy”. Check out her blog here.

Now let’s move to the award. As with every blog award this one too, has a set of rules. So here they are:

  1. All recipients need to thank the giver
  2. Post 7 things about yourself
  3. Pass the award on to 7 other bloggers of your choice and let them know that they have been nominated.
  4. Include the logo of the award in a post or on your blog

As part of Rule 1, I thank Stephanie, Michelle & Cleopatra once again for the honour. Thank you ladies! ❤


Rule 2 says I need to tell you 7 things about myself. So here are 7 random facts about me:

  1. I take time to open up to new people. But once I do, there’s no stopping me 😛
  2. I am not a cat person, would prefer a dog any day. Don’t they say dogs’ are man’s best friend? (Cat lovers, no offense meant!)
  3. I love planning – trips, weekend schedules, get-togethers, etc.
  4. I love wearing ballerinas.
  5. I always have ready a list of things to buy but when someone asks me what they should get me for a gift, I get confused (maybe because the list is too long, eh?)
  6. I love beaches – the calmness, the beauty, serenity, realizing the vastness of the world – everything.
  7. I love using quotes & pictures in my blog posts and smileys too. If you have been following me, you will know it very well. 😉

Rule 3 – My 7 nominees for the award are:

  1. Lime ‘n’ Lemony
  2. Nishita’s Rants & Raves 
  3. Notes on a Spanish valley
  4. My pinboard of words & thoughts 
  5. Musings From A Bookmammal
  6. Susurrus of my soul 
  7. Adventures of Potli Baba

Rule 4 – I already did that in the beginning of my post.

Congratulations to each one of the nominees! Keep writing and pass on the love! 🙂

Related links:



  1. Congratulations! and thank you so very much for nominating me for this award. Love you

  2. Aw thank you so much and congratulations! Beaches are the best and smileys too 🙂

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